2017 Updates for Human Trafficking Notices per HB 341HB 341 made changes to the required Human Trafficking notice that is posted in your public restrooms. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation now determines the language that must be on the notice. HB 341 kept the same size and font requirements – 8.5 x 11 sheet with 16 point type.
Update Information The passage of HB 341 introduced some changes that require your attention regarding the required Human Trafficking notices posted in your public restrooms. HB 341 eliminated the required language and now the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is responsible for determining the wording to be used in the notice. The new law requires the addition of the Georgia Hotline number to the notice. Click here for the full text of the HB 341. Governor Deal signed the bill into law and it is in effect now. Georgia Bureau of Investigation Determination GHLA met with the GBI staff to determine their intent for any changes in the notice. The only change they want to make is the addition of the Georgia Hotline number as required by the law. Those approved notices can be downloaded at the following links. Alternative for Existing Acrylic Notices If you have used the upgraded acrylic version of the sign, the GBI staff approved the use of a label that adds the Georgia Hotline number to your existing notices. It is formatted to be used with Avery® Clear File Folder Labels for Laser and Inkjet Printers 5029, 2/3" x 3-7/16". If you have trouble printing your own labels, let GHLA know and we can print some for you. That label format can be downloaded at the following link:
Compliance Time Line There is no phase-in period allowed by the law. However, you have a 30 day period to comply with the law should you be notified by a local official as prescribed by the law. Optional Source for Acrylic Signs Contact GHLA member, Mark White of Martino-White Printing, for availability and pricing of updated Acrylic signs. You can reach him through this link. All documents print on 8.5" x 11" material. Be sure that your printer is set to NOT reduce the image. It should be set to print at 100% or actual size to maintain the required type size. Check to make sure your printer prints the full image. |